A Night Out
Whilst being in Lapland I wanted to spend one night alone in the nature with a tent and a fly rod. It turned out to be a totally different experience to what I’m used on:
I decided to head towards Simojoki, but as it was quite far away I jumped on a bus.
After the yo-yo ride I still needed to walk for almost an hour, so I was delighted when I met this sheep horde. Unfortunately they were really far away and scared as hell.
Right after arriving to my destination, a bivouac shelter in the woods, I made some noodles with corn. Yammy. Note the awesome chopsticks I made from an old sausage stick to replace the forgotten fork.
Now I had enough energy to build my own house.
After fly fishing for a while I returned to the campfire and made some bad coffee. Of course I had forgotten to pack a mug, so I made one from an old beer can.
Whilst drinking this black gold of nature I suddenly heard a voice nearby and got FREAKING SCARED for not having a clue where it came from. A second later I began to discern a friendly old gentleman dressed up into a fucking forest.
We chatted for a good while and he actually ended up impressing me with his wisdom of nature. The slowly speaking reasonable old hunter was out to test this gun for his son, but after not seeing any birds to shoot at, he shot three rounds to see if it worked properly.
Bang, Bang, Bang, he was gone and the darkness settled over my hootchie.
Well slept night later I set up the fire again and made some breakfast before heading back to take my place in the society.
Whilst walking I saw the same sheep horde again. This time their curiosity took over their fright and they came closer. Maybe the nature was starting to accept me a bit?
The last thing I saw before the main road was this unhappy barded wire torn tree. It made me feel sad.
Best from you so far, maybe.
miksi miksi ei tullut mun kommentti aamulla perille.. mutta siis mahtava sarja! toi metsamies pelasti mun aamun ja taisin jopa naurahtaa sita aaneen junassa, hyva jere!
DU: Enpä tiedä..pitäisi kyllä tallentua, ellei sulle mitään erroreita tullut. Kummallista. Ja kiitos paljon!
Tää oli kyllä very cool!! Tarinat aina mielenkiintoisia, mutta missä kalastuskuvat?
Milläs mä niitä? Ei vaan, tylsää olisi ollut pelkkää koskea kuvailla. kun itestä nyt mahdoton saada mitään Nettarilla keskellä vettä.
mitä vittua, miten en oo huomannu tätä. onhan tuo metsämies ihan ylikova. samoten linja-auto. tykkään kaikesta, jossa kohde on keskellä. vittuako sitä kikkailla sommitelmilla, kun se keskitie on paras. onhan pippelikin keskellä ruumista.
kovaa rullafilmiä kyllä. oot parempi tässä mitä pikseleissä.
ja sait mut lataan kameraan värifilmiä, pitkästä aikaan.
kiitos, kait, siitä.
Ohho, ohho, kovvaa palautetta. Tuli kyllä elämään parannus ja innostus, kun pääsi takas kehityspurkkien ja kunnon kameroiden pariin. Kiitos myös sinulle.