Modern Day OfficeThu, 24/05/2012 05:32 GMT in BerlinI love how modern techonology’s starting to loosen the chains of corporated offices. ⧭ Tiiu Helinä is the most underrated contemporary finnish female vocalist out there. She’s stunning. Hide Comments2 CommentsHarriAlmost 13 years agoGreat shot. And really beautiful song, perfect for lingering sunday mornings.JereAlmost 13 years agoThanks Harri! Tiiu's amazing and pretty much perfect for every morning! New comments are disabled, sorry.
HarriAlmost 13 years agoGreat shot. And really beautiful song, perfect for lingering sunday mornings.
Great shot. And really beautiful song, perfect for lingering sunday mornings.
Thanks Harri! Tiiu's amazing and pretty much perfect for every morning!